Lakmé is a cosmetics brand of Hindustan Unilever, with Kareena Kapoor and Chamma as its ambassadors. It ranked at the top among Indian brands in 2017 because it has always prioritized beauty above all else. The company was named after an opera by French composer Léo Delibes about Lakshmi’s journey to earth during which she chose to adopt human form for one year so that mortals could know her splendor. Lakmé prioritises beauty over everything and strives constantly to make products more attractive.
It was started in 1952, famously because then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru wanted Indian women to spend their foreign exchange on something other than beauty products. He specifically requested JRD Tata to manufacture them domestically and reduce the reliance of importing such items from abroad. Simone Tata joined the company as director and went on to become chairperson for decades until she retired last year at 90 years old!
Lakme has also played on pricing for their revamped range aimed at the working woman. The brand’s new offerings are priced between 200 and 600 rupees, which is more affordable compared to international brands such as Revlon or Chambor that retail over 500 rupees per product. Maybelline was one of only two mass market companies in this segment; all others were high-end luxury goods targeted toward women who have time to primp themselves before leaving home because they’re not juggling family life with a job outside the house like most Indian women do nowadays
Lakme has focused specifically on affordability by making products within reach of even lower income consumers while rivals still cater exclusively to higher end customers. Lakme brought its prices down so it can target busy working common women.
Here’s a list of must have Lakme Products:
Eyeconic Kajal
Image Credits: https://i.gadgets360cdn.com/products/eyeconic-kajal-large-34967-65707-1584607343.jpg
This must be the most popular Lakme product yet! Everyone knows about the iconic kajal. It’s an intense black color in a single stroke, waterproof and long lasting (though not 10 hours as Lakme claims). Furthermore it is affordable which makes this one of every makeup lover’s priority list.
Eyeconic Curling Mascara
Image Credits: https://pixiesmedia-145ca.kxcdn.com/pub/media/catalog/product/cache/c7f01f4867dd450caa32398d52a9c6db/0/1/01-lakme-eyeconic-curling-mascara-black-pixies-chennai.jpg
The Eyeconic Curling Mascara is your best friend forever, ladies! It’s got D-Panthenol moisturizer which promotes the growth of lashes. With an intense yet amazingly light wear formula and a curling brush that gives you perfectly curled lashes every time, there’s absolutely no reason not to love it. Not only will this mascara make eyes pop (in all senses), but its price tag won’t break the bank either – what more can one ask for?
Complexion Care Cream
Image Credits: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0014/3514/0183/products/Lakme9to5CCComplexionCareCream_30gmBeige_600x.jpg?v=1598102848
Lakme brought about a revolution in the Indian beauty market by launching the first ever CC Cream, which is a unique blend of moisturizer and foundation. Till date, this CC cream happens to be the only drugstore cc cream that exists today—this allowed it into our top 10 list! Besides being perfect for those who can’t decide whether they want heavy makeup or no makeup at all (like me), this tinted moisturizer ranks high because its formula makes it ideal as an alternative between using just your everyday face lotion and going with a full-on foundation.
Peach Milk Moisturiser
Image Credits: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0014/3514/0183/products/LakmePeachMilkMoisturizer.jpg?v=1598361317
Although this moisturizer may not be the best in the market, its beautiful fragrance and light-weight texture make up for it. You cannot pass on having a jar of Peach Milk Moisturizer in your vanity kit! When you apply it to skin with dry patches during winter days, soft glowing skin is what you get immediately after application . The sweet smell that lingers all day refreshes your senses as well.
Enriched Satin Lipstick
Image Credits: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61Ui+1Mg+aL._SL1000_.jpg
These Lakme lipsticks have taken the market by storm! The original 15 shades now have 40 different colors, and they’re available in all kinds of hues: from dark red to bright pink, even coral. With their creamy formula that glides on smoothly with two-three strokes, these lipsticks provide a semi-matte finish perfect for day or night wear. They also feature olive oil which keeps lips hydrated throughout the day. Best part? The packaging is updated too; it’s no longer purple, instead transparent tubes are used – making them much more attractive than before.
You can buy all the above products at Rajasthan Beauty Products store in Pune! A one stop shop to all your beauty needs!