Yoga can be just what the doctor ordered if you’re suffering from back discomfort. Yoga is a mind-body therapy that’s frequently suggested to cure back pain as well as the tension that comes with it. Your body can be both relaxed and strengthened by the right stances.
You may learn more about your body by doing yoga, even for a little time each day. You will be better able to identify your tension points and imbalances as a result. You may align and balance yourself by using this knowledge.
Learn more about how these positions could be helpful for treating back pain by reading on.
The spine is stretched and mobilised by this simple, approachable backbend. Your neck, shoulders, and torso will all benefit from performing this stance.
Worked muscles:
Anterior gluteus maximus
Triceps serratus
Erector spinae and Rectus Abdominis
According to Jennifer Bayliss, a fitness expert in Williamstown, Massachusetts, yoga is not recommended if you have severe pain, but those with occasional soreness or chronic aches may benefit greatly from certain postures that can help lengthen your spine, stretch and strengthen your muscles, and return your back to its proper alignment.
Your body is encouraged to build defences against the causes of back pain, which include weak abdominal and pelvic muscles as well as a lack of hip flexibility, by yoga’s emphasis on balance and steadiness.
By improving your posture and strengthening these muscles, you can lessen the strain on your back, which can lessen the pain you experience. Stretching also improves flexibility by allowing more blood to reach contracted muscles.
Additionally, scientists are beginning to understand how yoga’s impact on the brain may lessen pain. The brains of people with chronic pain and frequent yoga practitioners differed significantly, according to a study by the National Institutes of Health that was published in May 2015 in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

People who practised yoga had more of the type of brain tissue that helps us tolerate pain compared to those who had chronic pain, which implies that yoga may be both physically and neurologically protective.
Before beginning a new exercise routine, it is usually a good idea to consult your doctor, especially if you are prone to pain. When you’re given the all-clear, try these seven calming positions for your back. These poses can be performed in any order. Hold them for longer periods of time to gradually increase the intensity. Additionally, yoga has been shown to improve sleep quality, lower blood pressure, drop heart rate, and lessen symptoms of worry and despair.
Hope it helps!